Sunday, December 11, 2005

BEACH BOYZ..........................................!!!!

amazing the difrnce havng a ride can started as another boringly white sunday..then suddenly fat boi calls up n sez lets go for a ride..ok we go down to luciya (inevitable that we end up at a bar we're only human after all) vre sipping beers..n we think..hey we're alwys hanging out together n getting bored..(hes the only friend i have in this shitty place)so we call up gayboi..this friend of ours from school whos not really gay..or straight..n he comes over smiling n completely makes my day by saying.."have u been working out u sexy boy?"..hmm maybe hes gay, he suggests a trip to the beach..alright then i say beer-drunk n happy..u know tt feeling wen evrythngs just one huge smiley face aftr coupla beers..that one we drive down..n the beach is nice n beautful as its just rained n its cool n we get us all ice cream(yes ice cream n its almost-freezing cold) .. n vre sucking on our cones n walking arnd happily like absolute dickheads...n suddenly wt do v see but a giant wheel..yes an actual fucking giant wheell..and ofcourse v gotta get on the we act all macho n act like we're all fine wt being the one sitting alone..turns out gayboi had more balls thn me n fatboi so he sitsalone..n the ride was so super-cool man..i mean i just sat there gripping arm rest n choking on my puke looking downward at this strangely ant-size city under my feet..but wt a ride ..good to be boys agen..and cheap too..ten bucks a ride..i love hw evrythngs cheap in ths cheap after the ride we solemnly declare how not-scary that was n drive down to this really cool church on the beach..tht was fatbois idea..went down on bended knee n serenaded sweet she said..ur too old for a chrismas gift..not about to let divine fuck-offs colour my happy day sad we set off again..the three musketeers.two of us confirmed straight men..sadly no ladies interested but wt the hell..discuss going for a hindi movie..drop it n grab shourmas n head off to coffeebeanz..i have a physical dislike for all coffeeplaces and this one was just as plastic orange n nauseating..but met this colleague of mine there n bummed two slices of pizza off her..downed my orange blush (ahem) n drove off to annas arcade..i hate malls as a matter of principle but stood outside n smoked a couple of ciggies in unabashed mallpunk off airs n acting all cool..and finally picked up a copy of this months record ..n headed home..think this girl sort of checked me out on the bus back but tt couldve been the beer..or the resemblance to morrison..(ahem) basically wt a sad sad day full of happy happy so glad my blogs anonymous btw...some kodak moments today..will put em up wen gayboi sends em to me..just hope he doesnt doodle all over the snaps..or maybe hes straight..?


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